Wednesday, October 14, 2015

I'm Confused

There's been a lot of controversy this week about Columbus Day. I confused because do you know how many of our holidays are celebrated BECAUSE of a conflict? The first one to come to mind is the 4th of July or Independence Day. We fought, we killed, to gain our independence from England.

We have President's Day in honor of Washington and Lincoln, two presidents definitely involved in wars.

Then there's D-Day, Memorial Day, Armistice Day (now Veteran's Day) -- days celebrating our time (and/or the people who died) in various conflicts.

Did you know that Valentine's Day, after St. Valentine of Rome, is named after a man imprisoned and executed -- violence at it's most personal. Shall we abolish that one too?

I'm not condoning violence. I'm just pointing out that it's a little late to abolish a holiday based on history and Columbus Day isn't the only one based on atrocities committed either to us or by us. We can't change our history. The pages have been written and for those of my age, it didn't harm me to include "under God" in my pledge, spend money that has "In God We Trust" stamped on it, (which could be a whole other blog!) or celebrate days that honor people or times that made our country what it is today.

Honor the Indigenous Peoples by giving them their own holiday, if they want it, which I somehow doubt. (Does England celebrate OUR Independence Day, I wonder.)

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