This story so captured me that a few years ago, I decided to write a mainstream novel based in Snow. Again, the snow festival was such a huge part of the story that I even invented a fictitious website all about the town and it's many businesses.

These books, and all my novels, are available at Amazon. Check out my author page.
Letters to Santa are another facet of the holiday, right along with snow. But what happens when a typographical error causes hundreds of letters to Santa to end up at a Chicago Cosmetic Company? Chantilly Morrison is set to launch Chantilly Frost, a new cosmetics line, but because of an error in the ad copy, she's inundated with letters from children, whose scribbled wishes tug at her heart. She hires an investigator to find the letter writers so she can throw a huge Christmas party and make the children's fantasies come true. AJ Anderson can find the unfindable, whether it's lost artifacts or people and he's very good at his job. But when Chanti dumps hundreds of letters in his lap with the directive to find the children -- before Christmas Eve -- he knows the request is impossible, but the woman is irresistible. Should he use his skills to make her Christmas wish come true, or can he use the count down to Christmas to find the key that unlocks the lady's heart?
I love this time of year, and hope you will enjoy it with me by reading "IF Wishes Were Magic", "Always Believe", or the sweet stories in "Christmas Quilt Anthology."
Q--When is a snowflake the happiest?
A--When it kisses the upturned face of a child.
May your holidays be kissed with happiness.
Nice welcome to the holiday season. I'm just as glad when the snow holds off but it's beautiful now that I don't have to drive to work in it. Merry Christmas everyone!